Who is Jenni?

Bowling Green, Kentucky, United States
It's been quite some time since I last updated this blog! Wooooweeee. Ok, so when I began this blog I was 29. Now I'm 31, you do the math. This blog has been hanging out in cyber space with no where to go and nothing new to read. I'm going to try this one more time so stay for a while, take a look around, and read what I write. My goal is to entertain you with my words of wisdom as I read Seventeen Magazine from my "old lady" perspective.

Tuesday, February 28, 2012

Enter the World of Seventeen Magazine

Jenni and Seventeen
OK, so here I am. I never thought I would blog. Ever. But because my friend suggested that I blog about my Seventeen Magazine readings from the thirty year old perspective, I find myself here. I don't think of myself as ALMOST thirty. I think of myself as a 18 year old trapped in an older person's body. I mean, I still have slumber parties, prank call (yep, I prank call), and really like the fashion sense of the younger folks. I want to wear skinny jeans, a fedora, boots that go all the way up to my knees, jeggings with a long sweater!! But, the reality of it is, I'm no skinny minny. As a matter of fact, I am a size 16 and I am 5'4. The thing of it is, I like the way I look most days. Sure, I've got curves and to society I'm considered fat but I don't see myself that way. Anyway, this blog isn't about me. This blog is a way for me to report,to you,my findings in Seventeen Magazine. Last night, I read every word that was shoved in the nook and crannies of this magazine. I would like to point out that this blog is solely for fun. I don't think Seventeen Magazine is a bad thing nor do I think it's the most informative reading for young girls to follow. I mean, the article, The Best and Worst Pick-up Lines, made me cringe! The problem...which ones are Best and which ones are considered Worst?? They're all terrible. I really hope the girls are NOT falling for this bull crap gibberish. Here are some of those pick-up lines:

"I memorized every number in the phone book, but managed to lose yours. I'm gonna need to get that."  (Oh, real smooth.)
"Do you know karate? Because honey, your body is really kickin'."   (HUH?)
"My name is (insert name here) but you can call me tonight!" ( I don't understand.)
"I lost my teddy bear ... can I cuddle with you?"( Is this pick-up line for infants?)

Another thing I found really interesting is that Seventeen will imply that you should love your young self the way you are but then a few pages over I find an article that talks about how to lose weight. And then, I'll flip a few more pages and find an article on how to dress your "curvy" self. I appreciate the fact that the magazine recognized bold and beautiful girls. I don't remember reading articles about being curvy when I was a young teen reading Seventeen religiously.
As I kept reading, I did find something that was rather informative. I came across an article that goes into healthy relationship vs. unhealthy relationship. Kudos to the Seventeen team for addressing this topic. I know there are girls who are in unhealthy relationships with these punk ass boys who think they are men at 14 years old. Boys, stop acting like damn fools. Girls, don't date these fools. Besides, if you're 11-15 you're too young to be in a relationship in the first place.  Lord, what is this world coming to?

I could keep going on and on about the February issue but I need to go home and read the March issue. I have a feeling it's going to be so much more interesting since Prom Season is right around the corner. I'm sure the articles will focus on, How to make-out with my Hott Boyfriend. Yeah, that's right, HOTT. That's apparently cool. Or maybe it's not because I haven't seen it spelled that way in Seventeen. Oh no, I'm losing the coolness that I was in possession of while reading Seventeen last night. Yep, I'm going to submerge myself into the world of awkwardness and make believe fairy tales that we only experience as girls between the ages of 11-17.

I will return with even more to report.  


  1. Congratulations on your FIRST BLOG, Jenni. I enjoyed reading it; you kept it nice and light-hearted for this first go around, and I appreciate your use of humor. As for prank calling at 30 . . . who does that? Lol!

  2. HBK, I know. What kind of adults prank???!!! My BFF is the BEST at prank calling people. She is almost 30 years old as well. I bet you two would get along. It's almost like you're the same person....:)
