Who is Jenni?

Bowling Green, Kentucky, United States
It's been quite some time since I last updated this blog! Wooooweeee. Ok, so when I began this blog I was 29. Now I'm 31, you do the math. This blog has been hanging out in cyber space with no where to go and nothing new to read. I'm going to try this one more time so stay for a while, take a look around, and read what I write. My goal is to entertain you with my words of wisdom as I read Seventeen Magazine from my "old lady" perspective.

Thursday, March 1, 2012

Flashback to the 90's

Jenni and Seventeen
Alright, so I read the March issue last night. I jumped the gun a bit. I was going to wait until the month of March was actually here but I couldn't hold back! I had flashbacks of when I was a teenager when I read through this issue. All of the sudden I am a sophomore in high school. I am putting my outfits together so that I can look awesome at school. Oh, I hope that cute senior talks too me today in the hallway!! The excitement and sheer terror of the slim possibility, a barely noticed sophomore, just makes my heart jump out of my chest. He's so cute and how could he not talk to me, I mean, I read Seventeen last night and it's entirety, therefore, I have all that I need to look cute, flirt, and make out....right??? No, that's not even close. I don't have the coolest new clothes that all the popular girls do and I have this mop on my head, also called natural curly hair. I don't know how to put on make-up but I wear it. ** IMPORTANT SIDE NOTE ** (Girls, that's a disaster, if you don't know how to put it on get someone who does know how to apply make-up properly to help you, otherwise you'll look like you had a fight with the rainbow.) Anyway, here I am wearing jeans, a tee-shirt and sneakers with my hair in a ponytail, so cute I know. Oh, and here's something to chew on, I mentioned I have curly hair, imagine this-I wear my curly hair in a pony tail and I straighten my bangs. WHAT?!!! Yeah, that's right, I did that. Stop judging, we all make mistakes in life. Back to my story, I woke up that morning with every intention of looking as cute as Alicia Silverstone in the movie, Clueless. I just didn't understand, that morning I tried on my cute outfit on and I didn't look anything like Alicia. Needless to say, I stuck with my regular attire. What's the story here, you may ask? The point to this story is, I turned out to be a normal adult who eventually learned how to dress, flirt and how to put on make-up and as far as learning how to make-out...well that's none of your business. If you're a tween/teen reading this, don't fret, you'll be fine. Life goes on and when you get older you all the sudden acquire this confidence and it's great.

Ok, back to the topic of the blog. Here's what I learned from my readings. Fashion has changed but I'm ok with it. Here's What To Wear NOW! Neons, Nauticals, Crochet, Pleats, Sheer, Florals, Asymmetrical, Edgy Boho, Batik, and Metallic. From my understanding, I believe you can wear these together. Honestly, I've always wanted to wear polka-dots and stripes together. So, here's my chance to do that before it becomes so not cool. Oh, and another thing that's really popular is to wear really high wasted pants/shorts/skirts etc. They are super cute but on me it would look like my butt is in the front. Moving along, platform shoes are a must this season as well. That's one thing I can wear and look good in!

Nicki Minaj is the hottest thing to hit the world at this time. I think she is a really awesome role model. She's creative, confident, and just owns it! You go girl!

As usual, there is the, How to lose weight, spill. Jordan Sparks, singer, accomplished her goal by agreeing to try Seventeen's Body Peace Project. This project is a vow to love and respect your body-That means feeding it well, working up a sweat when it needs it, and knowing when to give it a break too. I like this.

Now, here are the pick-up lines for the young ladies to use. Below are the scenarios and what to say in these situations.

Out at the Club-"I told my friends you were cute, so she dared me to say hi." (This is acceptable)

On your volunteer trip-"You're a pro! Have you done this before?" (Would you say this to a guy who is using a hammer?)

At the snack stand-"So, what's good here?" (That's just silly if they have snack stand food, it's not a fancy place)

Playing beach volleyball-"Can we get in on the next game?" (Ok, this is makes the most sense)

Here's something that will help you in choosing the right man (as I snicker to myself.) All you need to notice...ready? What style sunglasses he's sporting. For example:

Aviators=he's mature
Wayfarers=he's cool
Neon=he's fun
Trendy=he's hard to get

Glad we got that covered so ladies pay attention to details---> go for the Aviator guy. If you snagged a Trendy guy then you may need to flip to the next article and read, Sneaky Ways to Tell He's Over You. And then after reading that article you'll need to flip to the, Weird Hookup Behaviors Explained. It's very cut and dry so there's no excuse to not understanding your current situation with a guy, ha!

The article that surprised me is, Sex In College. I really shouldn't use the word surprised but I know young girls read this magazine (who are much younger than 17) and they are reading exactly what I just read. My take on this article is that well, sex is being had all over and, as much as I don't want to acknowledge it, sex is taking place with the young folks more than ever. I don't think young kids (anyone under 18) should be having sex anyway. I guess call me a hypocrite because when I was a teen I made terrible decisions and the consequences are always there to greet you afterwards. But, I don't think kids in elementary/middle/high schools should be getting it on! Listen youngsters, you shouldn't have any time on your hands for sexy time. Don't you have homework, soccer/basketball/football/tennis/ practice, friends to hang out with, braces to floss, chores etc., to do???? You do, so do them and worry about the adult stuff at a later date.

Well, I suppose that's all I have in me this go round. I'll report on the April issue soon. Until then, be cool.

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